It’s that time of year when many of us are indulging in Christmas feasts and high sugar treats, but for the health conscious amongst the population, like our guest today, good nutrition and fitness is a year-round discipline. In keeping with the health focus of Dr Eddie Jonick and Jett Faraday, two characters from the Blaine Colton trilogy, this post we have something a bit different to previous blogs.
I’m chatting to Matt Betts about nutrition, fitness and bodybuilding. You see, Matt is the Manager of ASN and a Training and Nutrition Coach. This means he makes a living from helping others achieve their fitness goals in life. He’s also a bodybuilder.
So pour yourself a cuppa (or should I say, ‘Get on that treadmill?’), click play on the media link below, and listen up for a bit of fitness fun.
If, after listening to the interview, you’d like to find out more about Matt, you can contact him on his MOB: 0423010300 or via email: allbettsofftraining[at]
Thanks, Matt!
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