Monthly Archives: January 2020

Daring Clare

I’ve got something really special for you today – insights into a new release from fellow Aussie author, Jenny Glazebrook. Each time Jenny releases a book, I’m so impressed by the growth I see in her writing. Her stories just keep getting better – and they started great! Jenny’s also got such a beautiful heart for people, which imbibes every aspect of her novels. So, it’s my pleasure to present this glimpse into “Daring Clare“, her latest release. Make sure you check this out and find Jenny on all the social media haunts so you can follow her and get your hands on ‘Daring Clare’ and her other stories! Thanks, Jenny.

Why did you write Daring Clare?

I began writing this novel back in senior High School. It’s not easy being a teenager and I wanted to write a story that was real and would bring hope. I also wanted to write the type of book I would want to read.

What was the hardest part about writing this novel?

Knowing what to leave in and what to take out. A lot of this novel is based on events that really happened and are close to my heart. I have changed names, circumstances and other details, but the heart of the story is true. It’s hard to let go of parts of the story that really happened but just don’t fit or add to the story enough to keep them in.

How did you choose the title?

It was very difficult! This novel was originally released as a completely different version/edition under the title, ‘Nobody Hugs Rod Green’. Some people loved this title, others hated it. We tried out several other titles before deciding on Daring Clare. It has a double meaning. Not only is Clare mischievous and daring in personality (she gets into major trouble for taking up her brother’s crazy dares), she also needs to decide whether she dares to follow God and commit her life to Him.

Finally, who is your target audience and what are the main themes in the book?

I think this question is best answered by an email I received from Margaret, a lady in her eighties:

“I have finished your book Jenny and just loved every chapter. What a gift you have been given. Loved the way you have so many characters, all with different issues and then the struggle discussing those issues and the learning curves and being able to bring in a loving way Jesus’ love, His saving grace for all even for the Rod Greens.
The story is so natural and so relevant for our worldly lifestyle today. It also points out even though you become a Christian life is not smooth running but the important part we have Jesus as our hope. I loved the beautiful romance which also points out God has to be first in our life and to set one another free. So opposite from the world’s way.
For any teenager, (also any adult who is struggling and seeking) your book is excellent.”

Bio: Jenny Glazebrook writes inspirational YA Christian fiction. She lives in the country town of Gundagai with her husband Rob, four children and many pets. Jenny is the author of the Aussie Sky series and Elephant House Press is now publishing her Bateman Family series. More details about Jenny’s books can be found on her website:

Pay it Forward

I love it when my friends achieve a big milestone. In fact, this year I’m set to celebrate a huge achievement for two of the folk in my direct writing group. (I’m nearly bursting to tell you, but more on that in future blogs. Sorry!!! But I can say yay! ) On the creative successes front, I know that will just be the start. 

At times like this I’m reminded of the joy of sharing the success of others—and how over the years, others have shared my successes.

On the writing front alone, my writing group have rolled up their sleeves so many times on my account to make book launches and events a success. (Thanks Quirky Quills!!) Many of them were there to see my stunned shock at being an award recipient, knowing firsthand the blood, sweat and tears behind that accolade. They’ve seen me overstressed, ecstatic, horribly ill one week out from my second book launch, disappointed, frustrated, and so happy I could float. (Wild ride, right?)

But isn’t it pure delight to know we get to be on the cheer squad of others in their life adventures? What a great opportunity to pay forward the support others have invested in us!

With 2020 shaping up to be an exciting year on the writing front, I’d best get my practical pompoms ready! (And maybe a box of tissues or two, ‘cause you know how these things go. Happy tears. Stressed tears. Just because tears. And the occasional ill-timed head cold!) 

I bet you can also think of people who’ve supported you through the highs and lows of life’s journey. I love how we have those people in our network and that it’s a two way street. And you know, I think everyone can do with a few extra bodies on their cheer squad.

So as we stride into this new year, can we think of anyone we’d like to cheer on? What about those who might be new to our circle? Are there practical ways we can get behind what they’re doing and encourage them towards their goal? If not, maybe it’s time to put an eye out and sign up!