Daily Archives: 07/03/2020

SciFi – For the Real World

For those of you who’ve been following me since I started blogging, you’ll know I began with an inspirational historical fiction focus. Back then, that’s what I was writing. As you’d have seen, over recent years my genre focus has changed. Gradually my website has started to reflect that shift, but my blog largely hasn’t changed. I figure it’s about time I addressed that.

So, I’m going to be trying a few new things in the coming months. As the busyness of life allows. It’s been so great having you come on the journey with me. And hey, if you’ve got any ideas, feel free to toss them onto the suggestion pile.

And for those faithfuls who followed in anticipation of the romantic maritime historical adventures, don’t worry, I’ve been trying to keep those stories ticking along in the background. If that moves forward, you’ll be the first to know.

But back to this YA near-science-fiction focus, specifically “Science Fiction for the Real World”—I’ve got a few rabbit holes I’d like to run down on this theme in coming weeks. So sit tight and join me for the ride where you’ll get a glimpse of what’s coming next, a few Blaine-related things I’d like to chat about and, well, whatever else comes on the radar. It’ll be super cool to have you along.