Daily Archives: 11/12/2020

MP Ashman Author

After a craaaaazy year, I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s watched a little more Netflix than usual. Eating in has become the new dining out and I’ll bet online movie services are booming. (Not even going start on Zoom!)

As one who rarely watches television, an enforced “keeping up with the Joneses” (well, the state of COVID restrictions) increased my television hours significantly. During our viewings, we stumbled across a Netflix documentary called Flint. To quote:

“A documentary based on five years of research into a Michigan auto town where tens of thousands were drinking water into which poisonous lead had leached, and how officials failed to respond.”

This reminded me of a novel by Sci-Fi YA author, M.P. (Matthew) Ashman. Matthew’s books are a completely different angle with a completely different target audience, but the background has a similar tone, in that the governing authorities in Flint established a new water source then deliberately failed to disclose testing results demonstrating the water was carrying toxic levels of heavy metals. Government corruption. New (dodgy) water source. Non-disclosure. Nice (not).

The premise Matthew applies overlaps this idea (different, but uniquely done), so I thought it would be interesting to get his take on this and learn a bit more about his writing and him as an author.

But this is going to be a Q&A with a difference. We get to hear Matthew’s responses directly from him (just for something cool). So after the questions I’ve asked him (below), click play to see what he has to say. (Thanks, Matthew.) Here goes!

Q1) Matthew, are you familiar with the Flint Netflix documentary?

Q2) Can you describe the underpinning theme of this story?

Q3) At what point did you feel you’d like to see your stories in print?

Q4) What has been the main lesson you’ve learned in your pursuit of publication? Is there anything you would have done differently along the way?

Q5) Tell us your favourite part of the Time Twins water tower story. (Without spoilers, of course 😉)

Q6) Do you have a date for your next release? If so, details please! 😊

Thank you Matthew for lending your voice. It’s been great having you.

To find out more about Matthew’s writing, click here.

For more about Matthew’s novel Time Twins – Water Tower, click here.


 M.P. Ashman was born in Maryborough, Queensland in 1985 but the family soon moved to Toowoomba, where Ashman has spent the majority of his life. Discovering a love of writing at eight years old, it was perhaps due to books such as The Neverending Story that his initial interest was in fantasy fiction. Many years later however, he began to carve out his niche in Science Fiction with the initially self-published offering Time’s Child in 2014. However, this and other self-published titles were withdrawn from the market in 2016, with a view to seeking traditional publication. The main characters of the Time Twins series were initially conceived in 2003 whilst Ashman was still at school, but it would not be until many years later that they would find their voice and their story. Ashman continues to live in Toowoomba with his family including his cat, Prue.