Daily Archives: 18/07/2021

Playing Around

Did you know I compile playlists for my novels? At the bottom of each Blaine Colton Trilogy page you’ll find a playlist. Never noticed? Just go to each page and scroll on down to find them at the bottom. But so you can keep reading for now, I’ll also add the link to each playlist here:

The songs I select for these lists are aimed to reflect elements of the story, especially the hero’s journey of change as they face the forces coming against them.

Currently I’ve signed up for NaNoWriMo to keep me on track for completing the draft of a novella-length story. This story is based on one of your favourite characters from the Blaine Colton Trilogy and for fun (or maybe procrastination …) I decided to put together a short playlist for this story.

Link to this WIP playlist.

Now here’s the really fun part.

If you can guess which character this story is about, comment below with the name of that character and why you think it’s them for a chance to win a copy of one of my novels. (You can also add which novel you’d like to read in the comment too.) If I get more than one correct answer, I’ll do a random selection, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

So the deal is: you’ve got one week to comment with the name of the character and why you think it’s them, along with which of my novels you’d like to get your hands on. (BTW you can also gift the prize to a friend, if you’ve already got all my books.)

I’m editing this post to add a little hint here (well, kind of a HUUUGE hint). The character in question has their name on the blurb of one of my books. 😀

If you are the lucky recipient of this prize, you’ll receive either one paperback copy of the requested novel if you live in Australia, or if you’re internationally based, I’ll send a Kindle version to your reader. Don’t forget, if you already own the set, you can gift your prize to someone you think would love to get their hands on a copy for themselves.

Ready? Go!