Monthly Archives: June 2023

Book Baby Due

We’re on the count down for the release of new novel Immortal Mistake. It’s been a long wait, but I think you’ll agree it’s worth it. You’ll see a page with order information coming soon, which I’ll also put on socials.

Time to introduce new hero, Rennie (Rennard) Parker. Remember him? Yep, it’s time for Blaine’s little brother to have his moment in the sun … only it doesn’t really work out as a glowing epoch in his life. This story goes to some dark and difficult places and was, honestly, a hard story to write.

Initially I was aiming for younger readership (that went well …). Instead, I followed where the story led. So here we are …

But I promise you, though this story is difficult in parts, it’s also hopeful. Ultimately. I truly hope you enjoy it. Here’s a teaser below:

Rennie Parker’s life is plagued by domestic upheaval. Now his memories of the past 24 hours have been erased and he’s pursued by a bionic man in his dreams. Left with nightmares of misused children, a video of glowing hands, and part of a dead scientist’s lecture on immortality, can he free those caught in this dark world of forced experimentation?

Link to my author profile on Amazon[dot]com

Link to order from Amazon[dot]com[dot]au

Link to order direct from Rhiza

Alternatively, for Australian residents, there’s a form you can download for pre-order below:
