

4 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hi Adele, I just wanted to connect with you after finding you on the Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance WordPress post. I just read your blog on the Character development, “Core Strength” and I loved it. I couldn’t agree more. I am a fellow Aussie, & blogger, passionate about faith and health. I have created a faith-based movement and mindfulness program which combine Pilates, stretching, relaxation and scripture meditation. If you are interested in finding out more you can check out the website at
    I love to write and have been blogging over at for over 5 years.
    It took me 2 years to build up the courage to publish my writing because of a traumatic history & then car accident that left me with anxiety and depression. I am now much better after much growth and personal development and have just finished writing my first draft of my testimony. I have found very few Christian writers to connect with and was excited to stumble across your site. I would love to connect more. Many Blessings to you! Claire Marie B

    1. Hi Marie,
      Love that you’ve taken time to make contact. Sounds like you’ve had a journey with many twists and turns. Great to hear you’ve found the courage to put your story into written word, along with developing a valuable program supporting mental, spiritual and physical health. I look forward to discovering more on your website and further connection.
      Many thanks,

  2. Adele, thanks for your meditation in June 27,Upper Room, TRUE VALUE. It intersects with my life the present moment, thus timely. The thought for the day said it all– what I need to do now. Thanks again. God’s rich blessings upon you.
    Your brother along the faith journey,
    Jeff Labala
    Your interest in writing is one of my interests too, and I have been in academia for many years. Besides, my background was in Science when I was called into the Ordained ministry.

    1. Hi Jeff,

      Appreciate you taking the time to drop by my website and leave a comment. I understand what you mean by those ‘timely moments’. The story I incorporated in the UR blog for today was exactly that – a timely moment by which God captured my attention and gave direction in the perfect time.

      I’ve actually just been on the UR site reading posts and being generally inspired by the love and support extended between UR readers. Love the connections that are made through our spiritual family.

      Sounds like an interesting journey: science, academia and ministry. A book perhaps? 🙂

      All the best,


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